Monday, October 8, 2012

Official response to mitt Romney from big bird

Mr. Mitt Romney, 

My friends through out the nation, if not the world, have been in touch with me, asking me if I will be voting for you this coming 2012 presidential election. 

Let me say, that in this last presidential debate with you and president barack obama, you mentioned my name and that of pbs and that we would be on your chopping block if and when you were to win the election to become president of the united states of America.  Surprisingly, this topic was the only negative position you publicly took during the debate, because your other positions seemed calculated and were viewed as moderate.  In fact, all of your other positions were perceived as new and improved. This explains why president obama seemed to have been caught off-guard; from your willful deception.  

Furthermore, your party’s platform is very extreme and frankly, an affront to the well being of the nation, a real threat to the future of education and foremost in my book, your social values will take us back to the dark ages.   

However, I understand why pbs or myself are an imminent threat to the intellectual deficiency of your political following.  After all, pbs is known to explore the outer boundaries of knowledge and human experience, while your political party simply wallows in mythical political and religious lore. 

So yes, I believe that if you were to become president, you would defund PBS and specifically target my audience; the little American kids who have learned the alphabet from a fun and tolerant point of view.  On the other hand, your republican brethren will continue to increase funding for little hunters of America or American kids for the exploitation of fossil fuels. But what's troubling, is that your political brethren will also attempt to bring into the classroom, religious assertions which are in contradiction with today’s science and reason.

Accordingly, it is my position that you are not fit to be president of this great nation, but granted, you do have a keen sense of mutating your political credo.  Thus, may I suggest that you contact the center for disease control, as you would be a prime specimen in the study of pathogen mutation.   

In closing, I’d like to mention that your demeanor during the debate was certainly viewed as robust. In like circumstances, let me give you mine … this is for you mitt!

Yours tweety, 

Big bird

Cc: kids of America and president barack obama.



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