Mormon Church, Bain
Capital or a multi-national corporation in disguised?
We are all familiar with the old adage of “follow the
money”, right? Not with the Mormon Church or with Mitt Romney. In fact, the Mormon Church can be likened to a financial labyrinth that no one can
ever find the exit. One can argue that
the Mormon Church is masquerading itself as a religious order, but in reality,
it is a shadowy multi-national corporation worth in the tens of billions of
dollars. And someone wanting to unveil
the mystery of the deep and clandestine financial empire of the church, a quantum
mechanics scientist would be more likely to unravel the inside universe of
subatomic particles. However, in the Mormon quantum business physics, if you scratch
the surface, you will only find buckyballs within buckyballs – and endless
shell companies where one will never see the business-God particle.
Today, the Mormon Church is knee-deep in cash and actively
involved in real estate, securities, businesses, land holdings, publishing, TV,
radio stations and countless other business enterprises, plus, subsidiaries
within shadowy companies – all under a nut shell that no one can penetrate. In fact, the Mormon Church conducts business
world-wide, but is also the largest private land owner in the United States .
Moreover, the Church has annual revenues in the billions of dollars, which
derive from the steady contribution of church members, dividends, trust and of
course, from investment income. Fortune
500 pegs the wealth of the Mormon Church within ten points from the top 100
richest companies. However, how much wealth or income the church receives or
has in acquisition, is truly an educated guess, as the Church has refused public
review of its finances since 1959.
It’s a fact; the IRS does not have the wherewithal to delve into the business dealings of the Mormon Church as it is sanctioned pursuant to IRC Sec. 501(c)(3) giving Federal tax exemption to religious groups or non-profit organizations. In addition, Church following is a behemoth curtain which would stand in the way of any government agency or any individuals wanting to peek.
According to an ABC News report by Mark Mathews and Brian
Ross, Mitt Romney, as a Mormon leader and head of the giant equity firm of Bain Capital, he “carved” his church a
juicy slice of lucrative business deals, thus providing the church with
millions of dollars worth of stock,
stock, stock…! Why the emphasis you
may ask? Well, the concern of every American is with the higher tax bracket for
the working poor as opposed to the very wealthy, especially those whose income
derives from dividends or capital gains, such as with Mitt Romney, who end up
paying less in taxes per capita – or
nothing at all.
Stock contributions
to LDS church, donations or tax scam?
However! Little known to the rest of the American public is,
that contributing tithes to the Mormon Church by its members is not only a practice, it is a requirement – preferably, in the form of stock. Why? Very well
known to Church officials is that stock donations provide
for a more favorable tax treatment for the donor. Under IRS rules, an
individual gifting stock to a tax-exempt organization or church will receive a
tax deductable donation credit against the full value of the holding (value of
stock), thereby also exempting the capital gain of the stock and the gain is
also not taxed. This greatly gives tax
advantage to the donor but it also overwhelmingly helps the church by receiving
capital gains which are untaxed. Therefore, having this latitude or IRS loophole,
a fundamental question must be asked; why would the Mormon Church not be inclined
to invest in businesses owned or controlled by the church, in which company
owners or members of the same church, would be forced or urged to give
contributions to the church in the form of stock – whereby, company stock and
capital gains would go untaxed? The advantage to the church is that it gets
more revenue.
Mitt Romney and Bain
Capital - business prowess or church connections?
Candidate Mitt Romney has made it its hallmark that he is a
successful businessman and that he understands and can fix the national
economy. He touts his credentials from
his alleged start-up of his business and success of his venture and asset
management company, Bain Capital. However, what is not widely known is that he
was not instrumental in the start up of the company or perhaps the success of
the businesses he claims to have managed or owned. Instead, it is believed that men in black suits
approached Mitt and was offered a leading position in a new business venture
–where any and all decisions would be made by those men in black, driving cars
with Utah
license plates. He was not to know where the new venture capital came from or where
it would ultimately end. We do know of
course, that by coincidence, his companies consistently contributed stock
offerings to the Church
of Latter Day Saints . We
also now know, that he has untold holdings or cash stored in offshore accounts.
In sum, what is troubling about Mitt Romney and the
connection with the Mormon Church is that he is known as changing his stripes
as with the wind changing direction. The
American public does not know if Mitt Romney controls Mitt or if he would be a
president that would be manipulated by extreme interest, either in Wall Street , Salt
Lake City or from the Knesset in Israel . The stakes are too high and the gamble too
risky if Mitt Romney was to be elected.
This much we do know; he would provide for more loopholes to
Wall Street, help the very rich, he
would arm the military to the teeth and place missile systems umbrellas through
out, but, he would also cut much needed social programs. In fact, he has made a promise that he would
make the US
military force so powerful, that no one would dare challenge. Which coincidentally, the Mormon Church
evangelical agenda is one which will make it the most prominent religion in the
world. So just imagine, if Mitt Romney was
to become President, is in collusion with church agenda, and is given the
reigns of US
military power, would he not place the country into an apocalyptic course?
Keep in mind, that Mitt Romney has also resurrected the
cold-war with the Soviet Union , a system of
government which no longer exist, but has also marked Red China as our mortal
enemy. So, what are we to expect from a
man whose stripes can change as the wind blows.
Would he work for Wall Street, Zionism or would he legitimize the Mormon
Church as the most powerful religion in the world – in which no one would dared
Thank you for writing this. Not enough people understand just how big and powerful this and all other churches are. Its dangerous to involve religion in politics. People tend to die...
The more we look for clues as to exactly who is Millard Mitt Romney and what it means to be part of the Mormons, the more sinister it gets. America is in great danger if we elect Mr. Romney
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