Thursday, October 11, 2012

A Mormon GOP Candidate #MittRomney notwithstanding, the VP debate tonight is more about politics.
In the Vice Presidential candidate debate for this 2012 election, two catholic boys will be duking it out in the debate. And although, the politics will be about American issues, the essence behind each party's philosophy will be constructed through their religious values.  Interestingly, both VP candidates are Catholic, and yet, each represent the great divide within the Catholicism credo. VP Joe Biden of course, is the Liberal or progressive wing of the church, while Paul Ryan, the Republican, overtly pushes its conservative gospel. 
The Liberal/Progressive Catholics believe in freedom of conscience, thus, are pro-choice.  The Conservative Catholics, such as Paul Ryan, promote a conservative/evangelistic approach to family values, such as asserting to be anti-abortion.  Furthering the rift in the Catholic gospel, is that Liberal Democrats who choose to label themselves as Catholic, actively promote providing economic assistance and health care for the poor and the needy, while conservative Catholic Republicans, preach for a personal responsibility of meeting one's needs and strongly want government to impose regulations against women wanting to choose to abort. Furthermore, Conservative Catholics, who label themselves as Republicans, do so based on one issue; the issue of abortion. However, many go further, such as Paul Ryan, who object to government assistance to the poor.
Even within the church, bishops are countervailing the work of Catholic nuns who promote social justice - as well as freedom of conscience.
Thus, the question must be asked: Which group would Jesus support?

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