Thursday, April 28, 2011



Joseph Chez

April, 28, 2011

If you loathe dictators, fascist regimes, subjugation, hate, discrimination, slavery, genocide, and the social caste system, why would you then be celebrating a royal wedding? If you do, you will then uphold those vestiges of hate and social mongering which royalty attempts to maintain.

So, on the eve of the royal wedding, the United Kingdom, its former colonies, member countries of its commonwealth and other parts of the world, millions of people are celebrating the upcoming wedding of “prince” William and Kate Middleton. Prince William of course being a member of the British royalty, and Kate Middleton, a “commoner” is soon to become part of the royal family. But, while the celebration begins, should we not contemplate on the ramifications of continuing with the charade of bowing to “royalty” and further perpetuate the myth of special privilege?”

Perhaps you may not be a British subject, but should you not still care about the consequences of this wedding, or, about the continuing preservation of royalty? Your answer should be yes. After all, we are all universal citizens inhabiting the same planet and are therefore, subject to the acts others. “No man is an island”, remember? You should further understand that the practices and the acts of monarchs have in fact affected most of the world. Today, each and every one of us continues to suffer, or at least feel the affects of direct acts by members of a monarchy or acts done in behalf of a monarchy. The very concept of special privilege by royalty and the subjugation of those underneath that special privilege, to this day, continue to shape our social, political and economic fabric.

What may you say? Royalty adds to culture fantasy and allows for children to dream about becoming a prince or a princess, or, that most present day monarchies are benign and may just be constitutional monarchies? Of course, reading or dreaming about benign fairytales is of no consequence, but in reality, the truth about monarchies is no fairytale. In addition, to say that constitutional monarchies no longer have absolute power and therefore remain only as ceremonial figures, would be akin to continue to revere a ruthless dictator, such as Joseph Stalin, the fascist Adolph Hitler, or Zimbabwe’s dictator Robert Mugabe - after they had left the reigns of power.

Thus, it should be noted that in many parts of the world, such as in Austria, Belgium, Bahrain, “Canada”, Denmark, Japan, Jordan, Monaco, New Zealand, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and others parts of the world, the monarchy continues to thrive and holds special privileges - at the expense of the populace . So I dare question: who the hell gave royals a certificate of special privilege? And just like many white folk were asking of President Obama to show his birth certificate to prove he was a bona fide American, it should be asked of the royals to prove a divine right or genetic proof that they deserve a special social, political or economic privilege.

History can only attest to the countless tribal societies which were decimated in behalf of powerful monarchies. In the Americas, entire indigenous societies were simply slaughtered to make room for European expansion. In Australia, aboriginal peoples were almost decimated into extinction. In Africa, in the name of a king or queen, human beings were hunted down to be taken as slaves for servitude and economic ventures for the new world. As a result of that, slavery flourished in the new British colony in North America. Even lynching of human beings became a practice in order to enforce a caste system - white over black.

As India became the property of the British monarchy, an insidious caste social system was instituted, based on shades of color – with the mother royal queen and new owner of India, unquestionably, being at the top of the social scale. Can we then not believe that today’s KKK or neo-Nazis formulated their race-based hate on the same principle as the royals have substantiated their racial or social strata?

In the region once known as Arabia and also under the rule of the British Kingdom, the new rulers could not supplant the local Muslim religion for Christendom. So, they divided the Muslim religion into two, one Shiite and the other, Sunni. As a consequence of the monarchial tactical divisiveness, it is no secret that countless lives continue to be lost through out the Middle East due to the religious difference imposed.

From the beginning, monarchies acquired their legitimacy by relying on human ignorance; people either accepted charismatic leaders who later made themselves kings, or as their rulers governed for long periods of time, their longevity and rule became a tradition. However, once the royalty became established within a given society, they claimed a divine right. In fact, royals cleverly aligned their authority with the will of God, making people believe that any attempt to defy the will of the monarchy would be tantamount to defying God. And as monarchies scoured the earth for new places to rule, one of their main weapons in conquering was Christendom, a religion that justified the monarchy’s rule and eased the transition for the conquered to obey the new king.

However, in today’s modern world in which science has mapped the entire human genome and has found no genetic differences, at least genetic traces that would make any human superior over another, still, royal families thrive under privileged political, economic and social circumstances – but can not morally or scientifically justify their special status. Moreover, royal families in many parts of the world are some of the wealthiest families in the world. But how did they become so rich? Certainly royalty is not known for their employability. Further, in most cases, they live in opulence while their counterpart commoners live marginally. And although in existing constitutional monarchies, the royals may not control the purse strings of the country, the royal families continue to live under taxpayer’s funded stipends covering most, or all of their living expenses, despite their the vast wealth they may already have.

In sum, it is not William or Kate who I personally condemn, but the system that supports their royal status. We must understand that it is the concept of royalty which is being promulgated in furtherance of supremacy. Is it too much for you to accept? Chew on it some more and read more history. However, while the winds of democracy are blowing even in places where they were not expected, the world demands a more egalitarian society, in which democracy reigns – not the royals. So why I ask, does royalty continue to propagate and millions of people celebrate? For those who may argue in defense of the monarchs, I may suggest that there can be no justification for their existence, either morally, politically, socially or otherwise. In fact, royalty and dictators belong in the annals of human ignorance. Dinosaurs came to and end - by divine will. But, how dare dictators or royals believe they deserve a role in governance without the democratic consent of the people? However, the nature of things has the last say so on this issue. Currently, a number of despised dictators are on the way out and the remainder on the list will soon have their end. In like circumstance, royalty must not sit on the throne, but should take their blue blood to the “loo.” But, if you still believe royalty deserves a special status in our human evolution, then you must also go to the loo, celebrate the royal wedding and take in the royal air – especially after a blue blood has taken a royal flush. Smell any difference?

1 comment:

Ann said...

Excellent, excellent post! You have articulated my own personal opinions and thoughts perfectly. With this world being in the midst of serious moral, social, political and economic crisis, it is baffling to me that this wedding between two people has been allowed to turn into a circus while eclipsing more pressing issues in the press. This whole debacle just goes to show what sad state of affairs this world is in and how brainwashed society has become in believing that the monarchy is somehow of higher, divine status over everyone else in this world. It's really, really sad.