Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Donald Trump, the consummate opportunist now BIRTHER.


Joseph Chez
April 27, 2011

Donald Trump is increasingly becoming unbearably repugnant. Regrettably, the Trump crest was known for elegance, grace, but also, for the apex of financial success. However, since Mr. Trump has seemingly entered the race bait for 2012, his political dump has not only embraced right-wing extreme positions, but has also taken the lead in the republican “birther” movement.

Yet, while the American public was becoming tired of the birther nonsense, Donald Trump and Republicans continue to pursue what they purport to be a legitimate issue; of whether the President is indeed a US citizen. But let's be frank about this; Republicans are using the birther issue to belittle the President.

Indeed, the once respected Donald Trump - well known for his financial success, can now add the not-so coveted title of "birther" to his list of personal achievements. The question however, is why this individual wallowing in political turpitude which can only soil his personal credits?

Moreover, it appears that Mr. Trump is trolling the political waters perhaps to give shine to the fading Trump crest. This fired up individual has truly surprised the American public by his ludicrous behavior. However, his persistance on the birther issue has not only tickled the fancy of CONservatives but has the media's thong in a tizzy. Thus, the media blitz continues and this emboldens Donald Trump.

So, is Trump for real? Well, here’s my take: Donald Trump is truly not the successful duckling he portrays to be. I say this because pin stripes, wads of money and multiple former wives do not make a man a pinnacle of success. History is full of successful pitchmen who sold snake oil to unsuspecting god-fearing folk and sadly, some fools took the pitch – while the salesman became even richer. In the case of Donald Trump, the man is but a pitchman.

At one time in his early failed real estate dealings, the bank was about to foreclose his entire boot and caboodle, but the pitchman told the bank to lend him more money or he would not pay them back. The bank felt it had no choice so it lent Trump more money, which in the end, allowed him to buy even more real estate. On another occasion, Trump approached the City of New York and proposed to buy blighted and unwanted city property. Such was his proposal, that the city sold him land on the shorefront for pennies on the dollar, real estate which is now prime real estate worth billions. Smart businessman some may argue, but I submit to you, can he simply just be an opportunist?

But, such is the gambler, he sees an opportunity to deceive his target and trumps on the chance to win. However, Mr. Trump has in the past held political views which were deemed somewhat liberal. Of course, the country has since taken a turn to the right, politically –with most Republicans even embracing ultra-right political and social positions. In fact, the 2010 mid-term elections seemed to have brought out many of the country’s old demons back and are now openly expressed without remorse or apology. Accordingly, republicans consider the 2010 elections results as a referendum for the country to politically, take a turn to the right. Now, racist remarks, xenophobic rants and rhetorical assassination are now the norm in the political arena. Further, with newly earned extreme-right credentials, republican candidates for the 2012 presidential election have begun to jockey in an attempt to reach for the coveted world leadership role – the US presidency. However, these republican candidates are more of the same; political retreads, flesh-repentant repeats, or Pollyannaish CONservatives- with no metaphysical prowess sufficient to measure up to President Barack Obama and win the 2012 presidential election. But, to no one's surprise, in comes the consummate opportunist, Donald Trump. Of course, Mr. Trump has since changed his political feathers and now purports to be a devout Christian, a family values man, a war hawk - that would take other countries’ oil, and would even confront the Chinese, militarily or otherwise. Yes, the pompous opportunist now aims to discredit and take down the mighty sitting President. His modus operandi? Troll the bottom of the cesspool for snake-oil and sell it to the American public.

The 2012 presidential race is now in full swing, but regrettably it is filled with racist innuendo and malevolant intrigue against President Barack Obama. But what else is to be expected from the CONservative right-wing but to resort to old Jim crow South. Thus, one must wonder; whether Republicans have continued their White Citizen’s Council affinity but now wear Trump’s Country Club clothes. And let's not be fooled by Trump's assertions; that he has good relations with “the blacks."

The good news today, April 27, 2011 is that once again, President Obama released his long-form birth certificate to ease concerns from the American public, and as the president stated; that this birther issue was becoming distracting from the real issues confronting the country.

Excuse me? Excuse me?! So, who trumped who? Really, Mr. Donald Trump is looking rather foolish.

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