August, 9, 2009
By Joseph Chez
By Joseph Chez
Dr. Kissinger, tear down the wall of distrust; don't take out misinformation from the attic.
It's time we stop playing neo-con childish and supremacist games in the world political arena. To say the least, Dr. Kissinger regrettably still lingers in the mind-set of the cold-war era and such malarkey must be relegated to where it belongs: in the waste basket of history's proven ill-fated policies.
First of all, former President Bill Clinton's trip to North Korea to bring back the two released journalist is a start in the right direction, a direction in which the United States of America becomes an equal member of nations, instead of acting as the self-appointed policeman or arbitrator of the world.
Additionally, this act of quasi-governmental diplomacy by Pres. Bill Clinton will not create a precedent for future scenarios, as wrongly perceived by the right-wing of our nation. Dr. Kissinger, the "falling dominoes theory", the Viet Nam era U.S. foreign policy doctrine against the communist specter of the past, which you and your like-minded friends supported, has been debunked by history.
In fact, President Barack Obama must seize on this historic opportunity to break the ice with N. Korea and communicate a more realistic diplomatic approach; indicating our intentions of upholding the sovereignty of any nation, regardless of its type of governmental or economic form. For although, we may not wish N. Korea to obtain more nuclear feasibility, it should be up to the United Nations and its members, collectively, to render judgment on the acts of nations.
We must remember that neo-cons have it wrong when they argue that a strong defense brought the Soviet empire to and end. Baloney, what truly brought down the Soviet empire, was it's people demanding to have Western sneakers, Levy jeans, music and a more modern Western lifestyle - NOT a silly statement such as President Reagan's, "Mr. Gorbachev , tear down this wall." So let's bring in the North Koreans to the world market and put sneakers and levy jeans on Pyongyang, let's have a beer with Kim Jong Il -shall we.
In sum, we must end our impetuous behavior as a nation and begin a dialog with our neighbors, regardless of mutual differences. It is simply foolish for the United States of America not to have constructive talks with its perceived enemies.
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