Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Republican Party's aims to privatize public services

October 31, 2012

Mitt Romney, the Sara Palins, conservative Republicans, Tea PartyNJs, and low information individuals would have you believe that a market-based government - better yet - a completely privatized society would make for a better world. Never mind, that in the preamble of the United States Constitution and within the core of the revered document, the intent of government as conceived by framers of the Constitution, government was to exist generally "to provide for the common defense .. and promote the general welfare." Therefore, the question must asked; why Republicans continue to promote a take over of a public government and institute in its place, a market\-based society in which government does not exist and a capitalist entity would entirely rule over the lives of the citizenry?  And what is it that these individuals do not understand about society in general, in which church, state and commerce are completely separate concepts, in spite of the intrinsic symbiosis?

Oh yes, the Whig Party in early American History was the party of the rich-land owners and powerful businessmen who favored a market-oriented economy and robust industrialization.  Sound familiar? Yes, it was the Whig/Republican Party, who then opposed Andrew Jackson's populous democracy which promoted for a more egalitarian society.  Today, the same bunch of con-artist continue with their malevolent drive to have a capitalist oligarchy rule over the masses.

In this 2012 presidential election,  Mitt Romney, the Republican candidate has called for the dismantling of FEMA - better yet, privatize it.  However, when asked today about his previous statements regarding FEMA, he gave no answers - but instead, kept bagging old-canned food from pantries of  Mormon families.

Super Storm #Sandy should give any one pause about considering privatizing the role of the federal government or give such responsibility to each of the 50 states. Remember, E Pluribus Unum is better than out of the many, we profit.

I urge you to vote for President Barack Obama - 2012!

Joseph Chez

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