Thursday, May 17, 2012

Mitt Romney, A Trojan Horse of the Nephite Clan


The Trojan Horse

Of the Mormon Nephite Clan.

May 17, 2012


Joseph Chez

 Should a Mormon be elected to the Presidency of the United States of America, or of any other religion for that matter? What about a religious Trojan horse?

 In this country, the practice of religion or the absence of its practice, is constitutionally    
protected. Accordingly, politicians seeking public office should not be vetted for practicing religion or the absence of religion in their personal lives. And yet, the country describes itself as one nation under God. Further, a great majority of the population believes that this nation is inherently a Judeo-Christian nation and nothing else. And for many evangelicals in the South, Mormonism is considered a cult rather than a legit Christian church. 

However, increasingly, the nation judges any would-be politician by its Christian credentials, but unduly disqualifies any politician at the least indication of belonging to a church outside the perimeter of the Judeo-Christian norm.  Let’s say, Islam, non-believers or, Mormonism?

 The 2012’s presidential race now has two viable presidential candidates; one, the incumbent President Barack Obama, who is not well liked by conservative Christians because of his questionable Christian ties – but perhaps more, because of the color of his skin; and the other, Mitt Romney, a white individual described as severely conservative and a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints – a Mormon.

Separation of church and state:
Thus, the question remains, as to whether religion should be a valid credential for eligibility for public office?  Should it matter? I argue, not really, however ... Religion should not have anything to do with matters of the state. And in fact, we should all be in defense of separation of Church and State. Why you may ask? Perhaps framers of our Constitution knew history, by which it teaches us that religion will encroach into matters of the state and eventually will decimate the powers of the state. A prime example was the Roman Empire, as was in the past.  Presently, we are reminded of Iran or Israel whereby extreme messianic precepts rule over a conventional society.

However, while I strongly believe in the separation of church and state, or the constitutional protection of freedom of religion, it is imperative that the nation must have consideration of the religious values of any would-be candidate for public office. It is important that we not disqualify anyone for membership of a specific religion, but that we do consider whether a politician’s religious values will permeate into public office – and thus, affect the greater society.  We should not elect a president who may believe an ethnic group is less than human or less than other ethnic groups. We should not elect a politician who may believe that women must remain under raps of a veil or burka. We should not elect a president whose religious creed does not accept natural diversity in matters of human condition, such as sexual orientation or equality in same-sex marriage.  We should not elect a president, who may believe that according to his/her religion, that Jewish people are God’s chosen people, and that for such reason, we must put all of country’s resources at their disposal.  And we must not elect a president who believes in a modern day crusade of spreading sanctimonious values around the world under the veil of democracy, religion or the mighty dollar.  In sum, we must be careful that public servants not weave the teachings of their religious credo with directives of public office interest.  

Bible vs. Book of Mormon:
So what about Mitt Romney, member of the Mormon Church, or LDS? To this date, Mitt Romney has publicly stated that his religion should not be an issue or that his religion will not dictate his decisions as a public servant. Okay, but what about the nature of Mitt Romney’s religion? Is it a cult or religion? I would argue that a cult which is defined by its unorthodox or extreme practice, as opposed to conventional religion, which may have a more subdued practice, is well, a matter of perception.  I have read the Bible, the Koran, and the Talmud and these books of folklore, are more legend than fact. More bluntly, these teachings are as anachronistic as petroglyphs writings in a cave.  The Book of Mormon on the other hand, is clearly more recent revelations of fantasy and representation of haunting religious experiences in the heartland of North America, by a crazed polygamist named Joseph Smith.

But, within the context of reality and why the precepts of Mitt Romney’s religion should be a fundamental consideration in electing or repudiating the candidate, let me say that the Church of the Latter Day Saints is enshroud with prejudice, deception and conspiracy.  

For your consideration, LDS teachings:
Thus, be thy witness that Joseph Smith, founder of the LDS, personally saw the son of God at the shores of the Mississippi river while he was cleansing the mud off his feet in the murky waters of the river.  As time lapsed, a lizard, or perhaps a salamander, named moroni, transformed into an angel and gave Joseph the spirit of God’s prophecy written in golden plates. And as Mormons, followers of Joseph Smith traversed the prairie of North America; they crossed into another man’s country, Mexico, and called it their promised land.  Now established in Zion, known to all as Utah, Mormon brethren continued with the practice of polygamy – having as many wives as men would wish for. But did women have any choice in the matter? Apparently, it was written that they must obey the laws and ordinances of their gospel.

Joseph, now himself a prophet, provided the translation of the golden plates, the Holy Scripture parable to the Christian Bible. Thus according to LDS scripture, Mormons were Nephites, descendants from the First American named Lehi, who left Israel 600 B.C. for America. Regrettably, Lehi’s children split into 2 warring peoples; one, a kind-hearted and white-skinned, called Nephites. The other, were the Laminites, who were brown-skinned and marauding in nature. Kinda like cowboys, Indians and manifest destiny. Truly, Mormonism embodies the culmination of manifest destiny and ultra-nationalism. 

  • “By it we learn that our western tribes of Indians are descendants from what Joseph who was sold into Egypt, and that the land America is a promised land into them.” (Teachings of the prophet Joseph Smith, pg 17)
Thus, whereas color of skin determined familial lineage and degree of goodness of heart, LDS members were not allowed to intermarry. Black people until recent times were not allowed as members of the church. However, even though today, the church officially does not sanction racial prejudice, its teachings cannot escape its inherent inference of distinction amongst peoples.

Philo-Semetic or a Judeophilia Trojan horse doctrine?
Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints see themselves as direct descendants from the house of Israel, primarily from the Menashe and Ephraim tribe and by all aspects, inherently in line to inherit the lands of Israel.  The Church core teachings allege that their forefathers came to “America” from the lands of Israel and were the “First Americans.” At the same time, Mormons also enshrine in their gospel, the return of Jews back to Israel – in preparation for the second coming.

The Mormon Church also asserts, that as early as 1841, ten years after the official establishment of the Church, Joseph Smith sent Orson Hyde, an elder of the church as emissary to what is now Israel, and that he proclaimed then, that the “time was near when he will bring them upon their own land which he gave their fathers by covenant.”  Thus the church takes credit in the inception and ultimate formation of the State of Israel in 1948. Accordingly, the Mormon Church has a sharp affinity to the Jewish culture, interest and respect for the Jewish people and no less, they see themselves as pivotal in the current affairs of the State of Israel.

Today’s Mormon following is perceived as staunchly supportive of the State of Israel and yet, paradoxically, the Church is actively involved in affairs contradicting the interest of the State of Israel.  The controversy is that while officially, the church gives all its support for Israel’s domestic and foreign policy, Mormon Church officials covertly have been financing Arab groups in the US and in the Arab world. No less, LDS Church officials serve as advisors to the PLO Representatives at the United Nations – in consternation of Jewish groups such as the Anti-Defamation League or the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee.  Even some Israeli officials believe that the Church is out to discredit Israel.  For many Orthodox Jews living in Israel, Mormons are seen as a direct threat to their religion and the future of the Jewish state. Why the concern? It is not a secret at the Vatican or in Salt Lake City, that there is a wide-held belief that Jews were cursed because they rejected the gospel of Jesus and pointed the finger at him for crucifixion.

No less, what also feeds concern for Jews in the United States and Israel is the relentless religious fervor for which Mormons are known for; they have a mission, and that is to convert everyone – including all Jews wherever they are. 

  • Once chief theologian and apostle for the Mormon Church, Bruce R. McConkie preached in reference to Jews, that “so it will be… until they repent and come into him – and only then - when they believe in the book of Mormon and turn to Joseph Smith.”
  • LA Times article Feb 2012 resurrected the controversy of the Mormon Church practice of baptism by proxy and post-mortem by which it has been Mormon Church practice to baptize all Jews and others who are not Mormon, either in absentia or post-mortem. Some of the most baptized have been Jewish Holocaust victims or survivors, President Obama’s mother, and even the late Adolf Hitler.
More to the Jewish consternation is that the Mormons have arrived in Israel – perhaps to stay.  Already, there is a Brigham Young University Center in Jerusalem, but a temple is in the works.  The Mormon Temple to be built will be one which will rival the Temple of King David. 

 The Mormon Church’s reflection on the destruction of Jews for not becoming Mormons: “just retribution” (for the Jews and) “the true Jews (Mormons) will build the promised temple whose functions and uses will be patterned after the house of the lord in Salt Lake City.” (Bruce R. McConkie)

  • In the Mormon Missionary manual, it states that “the greatest success will be to reform Jews and the religious inactive.”
To this day, Jews as well as other established religious orders within Israel, have a precarious relationship with their new neighbors – the Mormons.  And yet, the State of Israel has embraced the support it gets from the Mormon Church and the Republican Candidate Mitt Romney.  Unlikely allies no less, but the need is symbiotic.

Republican Mitt Romney, now the presumptive nominee of his party, has staunchly proclaimed blind allegiance towards the defense of Israel in a recent appearance before AIPAC, but also publicly stated in the media. In fact, he makes no bones, that if he were to become President of the United States, he would attack Iran’s nuclear capability or at least, help Israel accomplish such mission. An unimaginable thought that has the potential of unleashing apocalyptic consequences for the Middle East as well as in the heartland of the United States of America.

Adding to the concern, is that Prime Minister of Israel, who has recently solidified his coalition within the Knesset, may now find the support within his government and would-be US republican President, Mitt Romney, to continue Israel’s preoccupation with the destruction of any would-be enemy in the region. Already, Israel continues to be criticized by the world body for its state-sponsored assassinations, rendition, illegal Palestinian occupation and administrative detention of any would-be critic of Israel. The tangent of all this, is that Benjamin Netanyahu, PM for the State of Israel, and Mitt Romney, presumptive republican nominee, are rather closed friends – since they both worked closed together in Wall Street. Which by the way, connects this thesis of Mormon malevolence with a financial empire of the LDS Church enshroud with secrecy and deception.

Mormon Church, Bain Capital or a multi-national corporation in disguised?
We are all familiar with the old adage of “follow the money”, right? Not with the Mormon Church or with Mitt Romney. In fact, the Mormon Church can be likened to a financial labyrinth that no one can ever find the exit.  One could argue that the Mormon Church is masquerading itself as a religious order, but in reality, it is a shadowy multi-national corporation worth in the tens of billions of dollars.  And someone wanting to unveil the mystery of the deep and clandestine financial empire of the church, a quantum mechanics scientist would be more likely to unravel the inside universe of subatomic particles- which as of yet, it has not been done.  In the Mormon quantum business column, if you scratch the surface, you will only find buckyballs within buckyballs – and endless shell companies where one will never see the business God particle.

Today, the Mormon Church is knee-deep in cash and actively involved in real estate, securities, businesses, land holdings, publishing, TV, radio stations and countless other business enterprises, plus, subsidiaries within shadowy companies – all under a nut shell that you cannot penetrate.  In fact, the Mormon Church conducts business world-wide, but is also the largest private land owner in the United States. Moreover, the Church has annual revenues in the billions of dollars, which derive from the steady contribution of church members, dividends, trust and of course, from investment income.  Fortune 500 pegs the wealth of the Mormon Church within ten points from the top 100 richest companies. However, how much wealth or income the church receives or has in acquisition, is truly an educated guess, as the Church has refused public review of its finances since 1959.

It’s a fact; the IRS does not have the wherewithal to delve into the business dealings of the Mormon Church as it is sanctioned pursuant to IRC Sec. 501(c)(3) giving Federal tax exemption to religious groups or non-profit organizations.  In addition, Church following is a behemoth curtain which would stand in the way of any government agency or any individuals wanting to peek. 

According to an ABC News report by Mark Mathews and Brian Ross, Mitt Romney, as a Mormon leader and head of the giant equity firm of Bain Capital, he “carved” his church a juicy slice of lucrative business deals, thus providing the church with millions of dollars worth of stock, stock, stock…!  Why the emphasis you may ask? Well, the concern of every American is with the overtaxed bracket for the working poor as opposed to the very wealthy, especially those whose income derives from dividends or capital gains, such as with Mitt Romney, who end up paying less in taxes per capita – or nothing at all.

Stock contributions to LDS church, donations or tax scam?
However! Little known to the rest of the American public, is that gifting or contributing to the Mormon Church by its members, it is a huge practice of making donations – preferably, in the form of stock. Why? Very well known to Church officials and church members is that stock donations provide for a more favorable tax treatment for the donor. Under IRS rules, an individual gifting stock to a tax-exempt organization or church will receive a tax deductable donation credit against the full value of the holding (value of stock), thereby also exempting the capital gain of the stock and the gain is also not taxed.  This greatly gives tax advantage to the donor but it also overwhelmingly helps the church by receiving capital gains which are untaxed. Therefore, having this latitude or IRS loophole, a fundamental question must be asked; why would the Mormon Church not be inclined to invest in businesses owned or controlled by the church, in which company owners or members of the same church, would be forced or urged to give contributions to the church in the form of stock – whereby, company stock and capital gains would go untaxed? The advantage to the church is that it gets more revenue.

Mitt Romney and Bain Capital - business prowess or church connections?
Candidate Mitt Romney has made it its hallmark that he is a successful businessman and that he understands and can fix the national economy.  He touts his credentials from his alleged start-up of his business and success of his venture and asset management company, Bain Capital. However, what is not widely known is that he was not instrumental in the start up of the company or perhaps the success of the businesses he claims to have managed or owned.  Instead, it is believed that men in black suits first approached Mitt and was offered a leading position in a new business venture –where any and all decisions would be made by those men in black driving cars with Utah license plates. He was not to know where the new venture capital came from and where it would ultimately end.  We do know of course, that by coincidence, his companies consistently contributed stock offerings to the Church of Latter Day Saints. We also now know, that he has untold holdings or cash stored in offshore accounts.

Thus, the question remains as to whether many of his alleged assets and resources truly belong to Mitt Romney or owns them by proxy? That is still not clear and he is not talking.  In fact, now as the presumptive Republican nominee, he does not give interviews to the press freely and refuses to answer to questions about his business connections.  When he does appear on Fox News however, candidate Mitt Romney is cuddled with softball and leading questions, which only amount to lighting up the mythical little shinny city on the hill.  And yet, the unknown about Mitt Romney’s finances and connection to the Mormon Church agenda remains elusive.  

In sum, what is troubling about Mitt Romney and the connection with the Mormon Church is that he is known as changing his stripes as with the wind changing direction.  The American public does not know if Mitt Romney controls Mitt or if he would be a president that would be manipulated by extreme interest, either in Wall Street, Salt Lake City or from the Knesset in Israel.  The stakes are too high and the gamble too risky if Mitt Romney was to be elected.

This much we do know; he would provide for more loopholes to Wall Street, help the  very rich, he would arm the military to the teeth and place missile systems umbrellas through out, but would also cut into much needed social program.  In fact, he has made a promise that he would make the US military force so powerful, that no one would dare challenge.  Which coincidentally, the Mormon Church evangelical agenda is one which will make it the most prominent religion in the world.  So just imagine, if Mitt Romney was to become President, is in collusion with church agenda, and is given the reigns of US military power, would he not place the country into an apocalyptic course? 

Keep in mind, that Mitt Romney has also resurrected the cold-war with the Soviet Union, a system of government which no longer exist, but has also marked Red China as our mortal enemy.  So, what are we to expect from a man whose stripes can change as the wind blows.  Would he work for Wall Street, Zionism or would he legitimize the Mormon Church as the most powerful religion in the world – in which no one would dared question?  

Beware the ides of religious fervor and Mitt Romney – the Lehi prophet of the Nephite clan.

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