Sarah Palin is expected to roll into
Sarah Palin, the former Alaskan governor and failed Republican vice president candidate in 2008 dramatically surged in political standing in right-wing political circles since the last election. But despite the political reality that the country chose to elect President Barack Obama, Sarah Palin’s political figure did not end, and instead, sky-rocketed to political rankings, sufficiently to become the darling of the right-wing conservative Tea Party movement. Some would argue that Palin may even be the Joan of Arc who gave life to the arcane right-wing political gospel. In fact, Palin has become so popular that from the beginning, she became a hot commodity for publicists and media representatives as Sarah was a potential gold mine. Sarah of course, never fought the urge to become successfully famous. Also important, was the fact that Sarah Palin had majored in journalism from Idaho State and from the beginning, she philosophically connected well with Fox News Corporation, which allowed her to join the company and become a leading political analyst and commentator, at par with Brit Hume. Thus, with a lot of political capital, Sarah Palin soon ventured into the money treasure trove of this land of opportunity. No longer, would Palin have to fight the bone chilling cold of the Arctic , or the Siberian winds while fishing for cod. Thank the mighty market based, and common sense approach, Sarah Palin would no longer have to hunker down for days on end, camouflaged to the ground, so she could bring mama bear stew to her children’s table. From now on, it would be drill baby drill.
But, never mind the incoherent thought process in her delivery of her political gospel, as her legion of followers have no trouble understanding her. So, Sarah continues with her campaign as if she was still running for office. Accordingly, she has toured the country feverishly to collect undisclosed fee amounts from speaking engagements. She has even traveled to Israel and wore a Star of David necklace proudly. In India she was paid a hefty sum of rupees to answer if whether she would be running for president, for which she only hinted once more that there was the possibility. But more importantly, her compelling reasons for traveling to the Middle East and Near East, was for her to illuminate her understanding of the complexity of foreign policy, be touched by the hand of Israel and be captivated by an emerging market in Mumbai. Thus, upon her return to the US , it was clear that Sarah Palin was now a visionary, as she was now wearing her new foreign policy credentials.
However, since 2008, the savvy American public has come to question Sarah Palin’s political dialectics and metaphysical prowess. Never mind her detractors on the left who always understood her intellectual void, but now, even high ranking conservatives have come around to conclude the same about Palin. Some conservatives are even parting shots at her because they see their own political spotlight overshadowed by the unexplained aura of Sarah barracuda. But, the “lame” media which Sarah so often decries, continues to focus on her, helping her rake in the though. Lately however, a TV network canceled a sequel to her reality show. Moreover, a number of her speaking engagements have also been canceled, so her poll numbers have taken a dive. This of course translates into revenue loss – or even the specter of political oblivion. Thus, in classic Sarah Palin fashion, she is not retreating, she is reloading.
Accordingly, in order to prop up her sagging celebrity status, as well as give life to her political capital, Sarah Palin has purchased beach front property in Arizona, the state of sheriff, “I’m the law around here” Joe Arpio and his neo-crazed minutemen. This new location for her political headquarters, a house, is located in
So herein lays the question: Whether Sarah Palin has chosen her new residence in Arizona to mount a new campaign to attempt to test the waters for future politics, or whether she will continue with a charade of pseudo politics simply to exploit her political persona for financial gain? But yet, what may be endearing and simple for Palin to understand, is that she will no longer have to see the Russian commies from her home in Wasilla Alaska , but instead, she will now be savoring and eating coyote stew in her beach front property in Arizona . However, her unexpected move to Arizona as well as her quasi-political “One Nation” bus tour, should give us pause, as this may make us all believe that she is senator or presidential material. The American public therefore, must not be fooled and we should all not forget, that Sarah Palin let downed her state constituents in Alaska by resigning from her elected office, if not for the sole reason of potentially making millions of dollars by remaining in the national political arena. Consequently, I am one to believe that Sarah Palin may in fact not wish to run for any office and what she may be doing, may simply be another effort to make mo money. That not withstanding, I tip my hat to Sarah Palin, in her spunk to exercise her right to participate in our political debate, or even reap economic gain from pursuing pseudo politics. However, what is not acceptable is the pursuit of extremism, the sale of intolerance, or misstating the facts. So run Sarah run. Enjoy your rolling thunder on your “One nation” bus tour, but be aware, that the American public is not all woodsy or folksy – but can easily be amused.
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