By Joseph Chez
When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for the human race to dissolve the myth of the oldest political bandits who have assumed wealth and power over their subjects - under the phony declaration of divine providence. Neither nature nor God entitles any one person special descent or privilege.
We are at the door step of the 21st Century and it is self evident that all men are created equal. We have now mapped the genetics of many living species and we are close to mapping the entire human genome. Thus, there is irrefutable scientific evidence that all human beings are 99.9% biologically the same, with the remaining amount of variance accounting for regional and ongoing genetic mutations. Accordingly, the existence of monarchs and other royalty in today’s society is simply incongruent with reality. So we must ask: why royalty and monarchs remain with the privilege of governance or hold privileged and distinguished social titles, when they should also get in line with the rest of us, for use of the latrine?
Royalty or devoted followers may argue that such social titles are determined by special lineage. In the past, royals claimed direct lineage from “a” God. However, the Universal Creator has not publicly given notice of such royal preference. There is also the argument that royals have special bloodlines. Although, 21st Century science empirically shows that there is no blue blood in human beings, despite the fact that royal bloodlines do come close to genetic degeneration. And just like the horseshoe crab which truly has blue blood, royalty and the horseshoe crab are both living fossils. Notwithstanding, others would argue that present day monarchies exist at the pleasure of its subjects. Yes, but must society continues to accept the concept of special privilege in today’s egalitarian society? Must society accept such concept, when royalty was the building blocs of intolerance, colonization, social casting and slavery?
We know of course that much of the Western Hemisphere was claimed as property in the name of European monarchs. Christopher Columbus claimed the new world in the name of Spain’s Queen Isabella, which led to the decimation of indigenous peoples, their culture and religion. For English America, the Jamestown peninsula became the staging ground for the first English colony to have slaves brought from Africa by ships owned and operated by the “King’s men.” In the British dominion of India, a social caste system was established as a way for the Indians to understand and accept the concept of British royalty. In colonial Africa, the British Kingdom laid the ground work for separate social and economic relations that were based along racial and ethnic lines. These insidious practices culminated into an apartheid social system which now shames the conscience.
Written in stone and blood, history reminds us of European monarchs leading crusades into the land of the bible and saving the faith at the cost of foreign blood. When the British Kingdom replaced Turkish rule in 1922, one of its lasting ills was to divide the Arabs along ethnic lines by simply exploiting minor differences in their religious practices. To this date, conflict plagues the area between Sunni Muslims and Shia Muslims with yet untold consequences.
However, it is fair to say that today, few monarchs and so-called royals hold any governance in existing “kingdom” states, but they do play roles in ceremonial post. Nonetheless, the royal families in those countries continue to thrive with public funds such as in Spain and in the British Kingdom. However, even holding or being a ceremonial figure, is no longer acceptable in today’s world as it constitutes a de facto recognition of privileged labels and supporting a caste system. Royals today are supremacist in semi or official public roles and they have no place in this 21st Century.
For those royal fans and apologist, if you still believe Royalty deserve their self-appointed social titles or a privilege lifestyle at public expense, think again; ask yourself if royalty is biologically different or descend from divine providence. If you still do, I urge you to take a big whiff after a royal flush of the king or queen’s throne, and if you still think it smells divine, you probably are insane, believe in magic or you are royal fool. Wheeoow!
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