Koodos Madam Jackie Smith, Home Secretary of United Kingdom's Department of Law and Order. Your decree to barr American radio talk show host, Michael Savage, from entering England is well received by all nations and hopefully that should include the United States of America.
A muck worm thrives where it exists. Likewise, certain "vermin," to use Michael Savage's own words, enjoy spewing trash-talk on the radio. Yet, this radio talk show host is clueless as to why Great Britain has placed him on the undesireable list of names which are deemed "would be contrary to the public interest". But, I guess it is understandable why Mr. Weiner, (his real last name) is dumbfounded by England's recent action, since a muck worm could also not explain why its surroundings stink. However, we should not be surprised why someone other than United States of America would take the necessary steps to publicly indict this individual.
For a number of years, this radio talk show host has been spewing hate through the American public airways. To many of us, he has been yelling fire in a crowded theater. But, while this vermin may hide behid the privilige of freedom of expression under the First Ammendment, many feel that he has crossed the threshold into hate speech. My question however, is where is the oversight by the FCC, the Justice Department or condemnation by the Anti-Defamation League?
Regrettably, while this individual has been demeaning gays, immigrants and even President Obama on a daily basis, his incindiary hate speech seems to resonate well in America's living room. Yet, despite his Jewish background, this would be savage, is also well understood by the likes of neo-nazis and anti-immigrant haters. Thus, I can only surmise why this radio talk show host feels so comfortable trashing certain groups of people; for he may well be dillutional or he may simply identify with enemies of his Jewishness.
Notwhithstanding, this external warning should be a wake-up call to all of us here in the U.S; in that too many conservative extremists make use of our public airways, posing a clear and present danger to our communities. You have, of course, heard recently of the Pensynlvania teens who bludgened a Mexican immigrant to death, simply because he was an immigrant. More regrettably, was that the jury found them not guilty of a hate crime. Surely, Morris Dees, a lawyer for the Sourhter Poverty Law Center, which tracks hate crimes from sources such as neo-nazi groups or other intolerant groups - could well have made the nexus of hate speech on the radio and hate crimes on the streets.
Thus, Michael Savage is indeed a clear and present danger to our society. But what else should be done? Well, Great Britain took the first step, and we in the United States should petition the federal government for more oversight of hate speech on the public airways. A word of caution though - if you contact the FCC, as I did in one occasion to file a complaint, you may not get an a response.
In sum, I must tip my hat to the queen's land, but we should also make this "vermin" persona-non-grata in our homes.
Joseph Chez
A muck worm thrives where it exists. Likewise, certain "vermin," to use Michael Savage's own words, enjoy spewing trash-talk on the radio. Yet, this radio talk show host is clueless as to why Great Britain has placed him on the undesireable list of names which are deemed "would be contrary to the public interest". But, I guess it is understandable why Mr. Weiner, (his real last name) is dumbfounded by England's recent action, since a muck worm could also not explain why its surroundings stink. However, we should not be surprised why someone other than United States of America would take the necessary steps to publicly indict this individual.
For a number of years, this radio talk show host has been spewing hate through the American public airways. To many of us, he has been yelling fire in a crowded theater. But, while this vermin may hide behid the privilige of freedom of expression under the First Ammendment, many feel that he has crossed the threshold into hate speech. My question however, is where is the oversight by the FCC, the Justice Department or condemnation by the Anti-Defamation League?
Regrettably, while this individual has been demeaning gays, immigrants and even President Obama on a daily basis, his incindiary hate speech seems to resonate well in America's living room. Yet, despite his Jewish background, this would be savage, is also well understood by the likes of neo-nazis and anti-immigrant haters. Thus, I can only surmise why this radio talk show host feels so comfortable trashing certain groups of people; for he may well be dillutional or he may simply identify with enemies of his Jewishness.
Notwhithstanding, this external warning should be a wake-up call to all of us here in the U.S; in that too many conservative extremists make use of our public airways, posing a clear and present danger to our communities. You have, of course, heard recently of the Pensynlvania teens who bludgened a Mexican immigrant to death, simply because he was an immigrant. More regrettably, was that the jury found them not guilty of a hate crime. Surely, Morris Dees, a lawyer for the Sourhter Poverty Law Center, which tracks hate crimes from sources such as neo-nazi groups or other intolerant groups - could well have made the nexus of hate speech on the radio and hate crimes on the streets.
Thus, Michael Savage is indeed a clear and present danger to our society. But what else should be done? Well, Great Britain took the first step, and we in the United States should petition the federal government for more oversight of hate speech on the public airways. A word of caution though - if you contact the FCC, as I did in one occasion to file a complaint, you may not get an a response.
In sum, I must tip my hat to the queen's land, but we should also make this "vermin" persona-non-grata in our homes.
Joseph Chez
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