It is totally American to exercise the right of freedom of speech, freedom of assembly and the right to object with our government - especially over the issue of high taxes. It is another another thing to cover up hidden agendas under the guise of populist issues such as high taxes or excessive government spending.
Today, April 15, 2009 thousands of Americans through out the nation attended anti-tax rallies, described by the Fox News network, as a grass-roots "Tea Party" protest rallies, that have no specific political leaning. Oh yeah? Well, I know of no friends of mine who are Democrats or Liberal, who attended such anti-tax party rallies. On the other hand, some of my ultra conservative personal friends invited me out to dinner last week and pitched an invitation for me to join them in an anti-tax tea party. For a week, I was deluged by e-mails from them urging me to commit. An although my friends on the right mean well and have sincere hopes for our country, I am afraid that their patriotism is being high-jacked by underlying forces to the extreme right, such as the abolish the IRS crowd, the anti-immigration Minute Men, the anti-gay-anti-abortion religious righteous, the pitch fork revolutionist who follow Glen Beck, the narrow-minded Hannity zombies, the malitia-KKK types, and last but not least, the entire Fox News Network staff. Yes, thousands of well-intentioned Americans whose hopes and aspirations for a better America, took it to the streets, to protest high taxes and high government spending. My question however, is who is leading this "Tea Party" agenda?
Why rally at the Alamo? Why posters of President Obama, depicting racist caricatures? Why, if legitimate anti-tax or anti- high government spending, why such emphasis against President Obama? Why the code words of socialism? And why did these patriot Americans not protest these very same issues during the Bush administration? After all, for the past eight years, government spending took a quantum leap, taxes were lowered for the ultra-rich and business corporations ransacked our nation. Why did these sincere Americans not protest the no-bid contract mentality, the absent oversight of the investment banking industry, or the the Bush Administration's blind eye to the oil industry gouging the American public? So why now?
Coincidentally, these anti-tax patriots seemingly just now realized that our country is in deep doo-doo. Conveniently however, out of nowhere, a grass-root revolution against high taxes and high government spending is happening in the fourth month of President Obama's presidency. So is this a coincidence or some GOP malcontent's plot to broaden its political base for 2012? Or, is it that the extreme-right still, can not stomach the thought of having lost the election?
Certainly, high taxes and high government spending is hurting the broad base of the American fabric, but why the red-meat rhetoric of hate and revolution? So like I reminded my conservative friends; beware of who is leading your protest. Remember that Newt Gingrich is using you for his own agenda, a contract ON America, again in 2012. Remember, that Dick Armey is also behind the curtain, with fists-full of money from the extreme-right and corporate America. But not limited to; remember that while you may believe that protesting a populist issue, Fox News Corp. is profiteering from your love of country.
In sum, I uphold and support your right to protest, but I reject any intolerance and yelling fire in this crowded nation. Fox News, it is also not for you to profit and further your extreme-right agenda at the expense of our nation. Finally, yes, it would be nice if we all paid a per-capita and an equal pro-rata share of taxes - without deductions or considerations for special groups.
You want to be a real patriot? Don't be used by those who see an opportunity that is self serving, or those who mean ill to our country by spouting intolerant garbage.
Joseph Chez
Today, April 15, 2009 thousands of Americans through out the nation attended anti-tax rallies, described by the Fox News network, as a grass-roots "Tea Party" protest rallies, that have no specific political leaning. Oh yeah? Well, I know of no friends of mine who are Democrats or Liberal, who attended such anti-tax party rallies. On the other hand, some of my ultra conservative personal friends invited me out to dinner last week and pitched an invitation for me to join them in an anti-tax tea party. For a week, I was deluged by e-mails from them urging me to commit. An although my friends on the right mean well and have sincere hopes for our country, I am afraid that their patriotism is being high-jacked by underlying forces to the extreme right, such as the abolish the IRS crowd, the anti-immigration Minute Men, the anti-gay-anti-abortion religious righteous, the pitch fork revolutionist who follow Glen Beck, the narrow-minded Hannity zombies, the malitia-KKK types, and last but not least, the entire Fox News Network staff. Yes, thousands of well-intentioned Americans whose hopes and aspirations for a better America, took it to the streets, to protest high taxes and high government spending. My question however, is who is leading this "Tea Party" agenda?
Why rally at the Alamo? Why posters of President Obama, depicting racist caricatures? Why, if legitimate anti-tax or anti- high government spending, why such emphasis against President Obama? Why the code words of socialism? And why did these patriot Americans not protest these very same issues during the Bush administration? After all, for the past eight years, government spending took a quantum leap, taxes were lowered for the ultra-rich and business corporations ransacked our nation. Why did these sincere Americans not protest the no-bid contract mentality, the absent oversight of the investment banking industry, or the the Bush Administration's blind eye to the oil industry gouging the American public? So why now?
Coincidentally, these anti-tax patriots seemingly just now realized that our country is in deep doo-doo. Conveniently however, out of nowhere, a grass-root revolution against high taxes and high government spending is happening in the fourth month of President Obama's presidency. So is this a coincidence or some GOP malcontent's plot to broaden its political base for 2012? Or, is it that the extreme-right still, can not stomach the thought of having lost the election?
Certainly, high taxes and high government spending is hurting the broad base of the American fabric, but why the red-meat rhetoric of hate and revolution? So like I reminded my conservative friends; beware of who is leading your protest. Remember that Newt Gingrich is using you for his own agenda, a contract ON America, again in 2012. Remember, that Dick Armey is also behind the curtain, with fists-full of money from the extreme-right and corporate America. But not limited to; remember that while you may believe that protesting a populist issue, Fox News Corp. is profiteering from your love of country.
In sum, I uphold and support your right to protest, but I reject any intolerance and yelling fire in this crowded nation. Fox News, it is also not for you to profit and further your extreme-right agenda at the expense of our nation. Finally, yes, it would be nice if we all paid a per-capita and an equal pro-rata share of taxes - without deductions or considerations for special groups.
You want to be a real patriot? Don't be used by those who see an opportunity that is self serving, or those who mean ill to our country by spouting intolerant garbage.
Joseph Chez
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