Last night, President Obama held his first national news conference and he was very eloquent and confident. However, despite a prevailing spirit of change in this new administration, he failed to answer the question posed by the "first lady of the press", White House correspondent, Helen Thomas. She asked, Mr. President, "do you know of any country in the Middle East that has nuclear weapons?" Of course, it's been the policy of the United States government not to confirm or deny any fact of existing nuclear weapons dead center in the Middle East. Consequently, President Obama skirted Helen's question and stated that "he did not want to speculate". So he said, " what I know is this, if we see a nuclear arm's race in a region as volatile as the Middle East, every one will be in danger...". But Mr. President, we do understand the sensitivity of the issue and the nuance of diplomacy. What we do not understand, is that your omission of the facts or not answering the questions about existing nuclear weapons in the Middle East does nothing to change the status quo in the Middle East. Why should known facts of our involvement in such issue continue to be shrouded in mystery or a cover-up? After all, our country is knee-deep in the middle of the issue.
Helen's question was of course designed to call into question why our government remains adamantly protective of one state in the Middle East which has a huge existing arsenal of nuclear weapons - which should be of concern to the entire world. Her question perhaps, was also meant to debunk the hyper scrutiny of Iran's infant nuclear research and development.
The fact is, the state of Israel is a major nuclear power rivaling perhaps known major nuclear countries such as France or England. Regrettably however, the United States has long been protective of Israel unjustifiably, but has also been bias when there is any attempt to enforce any United Nations inquiry or resolution against Israel.
Notwithstanding, I am sure Helen knew the answer to her question; that Israel is the only country in the Middle East that has nuclear weapons - enough to pulverize the entire Middle East. In fact, its territory is dotted with nuclear research or assembly facilities. For example, in the north west part of Israel, the Rafael and Yodefat facilities assemble missile ballistic systems that carry nuclear weapons. In Eilabum, also in the north east of Israel, this is where you find Israel's second largest nuclear facility. This is where all of the tactical nuclear shells and land mines are kept. To the south east of Israel, we find Israel's main nuclear depot, at Dimona. At this facility, the largest facility in Israel, most nuclear weapons are assembled and stored. Therfore, it should be known that Israel has for the last 30 years been producing no less than 40 kilograms of weapons-grade plutonium per year. Keeping in mind that it only takes about 4 kilograms to make a weapons-grade nuclear bomb. So you do the math and get an idea of how many plutonium base nuclear bombs Israel has. Additionally, Israel also has up to 100 lithium-6 deuterium base thermal-nuclear bombs.
Currently however, there is much concern in the intelligence community because Israel is closely working with India in an attempt to obtain India's new tritium technology in order to develop more sophisticated and more efficient nuclear weapons. So this may explain why there was a terrorist attack in Mumbai India by an alleged Pakistani group. Mmmmm? An arms race in that region, with Israel, India, Pakistan and the U.S. as the major players?!
Yet Mr. President, it is time that we take off the cloak of deception and let the people know the facts about Israel's monstrous arsenal of nuclear weapons. It is time Mr. President that our government let its people know that each nuclear facility in Israel is defended by American defense missile systems. It is time that we own-up to the fact that our government skirts international convention by conducting illegal research and development of more sophisticated nuclear weapons in Israeli facilities.
As far as Iran being a nuclear concern, yes it is. Although, their technology is simply infant and diminimus. Their recent rocket carrying a satellite into orbit, well, in reality, it is equivalent to when the Russians sent their Sputnik satellite into orbit in 1957 - still rather crude and does not pose an immediate threat. However, within 5-10 years, there will be enough nuclear weapons in the Middle East to pose a mutual assured destruction- with our help. So this is where you come in Mr. President; under your government of change, we must change the course of history by not allowing anybody in the middle east, including Israel, to bring about a foreseeable Armageddon.
Helen, I hope the above answers part of your question......
Joseph Chez
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